Forum Rules, v.4. (24th. August 2022 to 12th. May 2024)

Started by Administrator, August 24, 2022, 04:26:30 AM

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v.4. (applicable from 4.30 a.m. BST on 24th. August 2022)

Welcome to the Jeremy Bamber Discussion Forum!

We are an unofficial site entirely unconnected to Jeremy Bamber or anyone involved in this tragic case.

This Forum is for serious people and is tightly moderated.  Our purpose is high-quality discussion of the case.  There is no 'house stance' on the case – we don't care if you think Jeremy is guilty or innocent or you're unsure, we only ask that you post in good faith.

Whatever view or stance you take, you will be treated respectfully.  Everyone starts with a blank slate, but if you are coming on here with an agenda or to cause trouble, you will be quickly banned.  Please bear this in mind before proceeding further.

Some basic information

Our web location is:

The Owner and Moderator is Erik A. Narramore.  Feel free to send him a Personal Message (PM) or e-mail him at

All contact with the Moderator, other than normal discussion on the Forum itself, shall be by PM or to the above e-mail address.

About these Rules

These Rules are a work in progress and will be edited as the Forum grows.  They are not the same as the Registration Agreement you have already agreed.  That is a standard document, whereas what follows is specific to this Forum.  Please ensure you read these Rules carefully, and ask the Moderator if there is anything you do not understand, because you will be required to confirm that you have read, understood and agree to these Rules before you can join.


1. Anyone requesting to join the Forum will be sent an e-mail by the Moderator in substantially the form contained in Annex A below.

2. Whether any particular membership request is approved or declined shall be entirely at the discretion of the Moderator, whose decisions shall be final.  If an application is approved, the Moderator will send the new member an e-mail in substantially the form contained in Annex B below.  If an application is rejected due to no response, the Moderator will send the applicant an e-mail in substantially the form contained in Annex C below.

3. All new members must post a new topic about themselves on the New Members board (in the Foyer) before posting elsewhere on the Forum.  Please see the 'Read Me' topic on that board for further guidance.

4. Unless the context requires, posts shall be in the English language, using an acceptable standard of English.

5. In order to maintain a degree of maturity and seriousness on the Forum, members must post here under a recognisable name.  An alias is acceptable as a screen name, but it must contain a forename and surname, and you must give your real name as your username on registration.  A user may at any time ask the Moderator to assign an alias or change an existing alias; this may be of the user's own choosing, or users may ask the Moderator to choose a name. In the latter case, the Moderator will:

5.1. assign to the user whatever forename was given on registration, and where a user did not give a forename on registration, assign alias forenames in alphabetical sequence from the list at, or by any random method at the Moderator's discretion; and,

5.2. assign surnames in alphabetical sequence from the online surname index at the Guild of One-Name Studies (link: 

Where the sex of the user is not apparent, the Moderator will request clarification from the user.  Where no clarification is forthcoming within a reasonable period, the Moderator will assign a masculine alias by default.  Probationary Members who have not been subject to forum action under Rule 15 below may submit requests under this Rule 5 as many times as they wish, provided the privilege is not being abused.  Users who either are not Probationary Members or are but have been subject to forum action, must give a reason when submitting any request under this Rule 5, and the Moderator reserves the right to refuse such requests.

6. No multiple accounts.  Only one account per user.  Banned or deleted users who wish to return must in the first instance request re-activation of their existing account, and a new account will only be opened if re-activation is not possible and the banned/deleted user's request to re-join is otherwise approved.

7. This is a forum for considered discussion of the case.  Posts should be pertinent to the topic of the relevant thread.  You will not engage in insults, personal attacks, goading, trolling, foul language or disruption of the Forum.  In particular, do not insult or make personal attacks on other forum users. Stick to attacking, criticising or critiquing the views and opinions expressed, rather than the user.

8. Do not post in breach of anyone's copyright or other intellectual property rights.  When quoting or reproducing work from third parties, you must only do so to the extent that is permitted by fair dealing (as defined in UK copyright law), you are required to provide attribution of the author or creator or other rights-holder, and where the source is a webpage, you must provide a link in the relevant post. If quoting from a written work, you must provide the page number(s).  If there are no page numbers in the source, then you must, where practicable, provide some equivalent reference point, such as a sub-heading.

9. Do not post in a way that is, or potentially could be, defamatory or that advocates, glorifies, promotes or encourages violence or other criminal activity.

10. Do not use the Forum or information obtained from the Forum to harass, mock, insult and intimidate others, whether other members of the Forum or individuals outside the Forum.

11. It is acceptable to discuss and even criticise the adult victims, family members and Colin Caffell, but any such discussions must be conducted with respect, dignity and decorum, using non-inflammatory language and in a way that is not defamatory. Discussions about family members and victims in other true crime cases shall be conducted in a similar manner.

12. Please observe the sub judice rule and do not post on outstanding legal proceedings.  Specifically, for the purpose of sub judice in English law, 'legal proceedings' commence when a suspect is arrested.  If you are in any doubt, please do not hesitate to PM or e-mail the Moderator for further guidance.

13. While the primary purpose of this Forum is discussion of the Bamber shootings and Jeremy Bamber, the Moderator does allow discussion of other alleged miscarriages of justice and unsolved criminal cases that have 'cold case' status.  Please exercise caution when discussing unsolved criminal cases that do not have 'cold case' status, especially those that concern very recent incidents that are in the news.  Even when a case is not strictly sub judice, there is a risk of causing distress to families of victims and/or libelling individuals.

14. As a gesture of respect towards the victims of the White House Farm shootings, the Moderator kindly requests that no posts are submitted to the Forum for a period of 18 hours between 6 p.m. on the 6th. August and 12 p.m. on 7th. August each year.  The times given are BST (i.e. GMT + 1).  The Moderator reserves the right to generally suspend posting privileges for that period (and if so, the exact times may vary depending on the commitments of the Moderator).

15. The Moderator reserves the right to amend, emend, edit, modify or delete, or some combination thereof, any posts to this Forum, and to split or merge threads on the Forum where:

15.1. a post is in, or contains, a breach of these Rules or is contrary to a direction of the Moderator; or,

15.2. a change is necessary for the purpose of ensuring the greater clarity of that post or better organisation of the Forum. 

16. Where Rule 15 above applies, the Moderator will, in good faith, seek to ensure that changed posts reasonably reflect the views and intentions of the member who made the post, to the extent this can be surmised and is not otherwise in breach of these Rules.  The affected member may also request that the Moderator makes further changes to a post, to this end.

17. In addition to Rule 15 above, the Moderator reserves the right to take action against any member found in breach of these Rules.  This may include some or all of the following:

- advice on the open thread;
- advice, sent by PM;
- an informal warning, sent by PM;
- a formal warning sent by PM;
- a warning issued on the Forum;
- pre-moderation of all posts to the Forum;
- suspension of one or more forum privileges;
- a temporary ban (which may take whatever form the Moderator decides in his discretion);
- an indefinite ban (which will be an IP ban);
- indefinite removal of posting privileges (Restricted Member status);
- account deletion (in effect, a permanent ban from the Forum).

18. Banned members may appeal and will be advised of the review and appeals procedure by the Moderator as and when necessary.  The Moderator's decision in an appeal shall be final and binding.

19. Indefinite bans will be reviewed after a period of 12 months and the ban will either be determined or confirmed.  If confirmed, the banned account will ultimately be deleted after a period of six (6) years from the date the ban commenced.

20. Bans shall be announced on the open Forum.  Announcements of temporary bans shall be removed once the ban has been served.  Announcements of indefinite bans shall be removed if and when a ban is determined, failing which the announcement will be removed on deletion of the account.

21. Accounts deemed to be Non-Active may be deleted at the absolute discretion of the Moderator. 'Non-Active' shall mean that the user (i). has not posted from the account for a period of twenty-four (24) months and (ii). has been sent a PM and e-mail by the Moderator containing a request that the user replies to confirm the account is still required or it will be deleted, to which the Moderator has received either no reply or consent for deletion.

22. The Forum will establish membership categories as necessary, and some member categories may have additional forum privileges.

23. All user data, including (among other things) IP addresses, shall be retained electronically until deletion of an account.  If a request to join the Forum is declined, then the declined user's information will be retained by the Moderator for a period of six (6) months and then deleted – except that we will retain the IP address and the reply to question 3 in the template letter in Annex A for a period of up to six years, starting from the date we decline the application.  For the avoidance of doubt, the Moderator is availed of the 'domestic purposes' exemption under the Data Protection Act 2018.

24. Feedback on moderation or any other aspect of the Forum is welcome.  This may take the form of praise, criticism, complaints or suggestions for improvement, and may relate to specific experiences of the user or more general matters.  Users may also have questions about the workings of the Forum itself or how to use the Forum, which are also welcome.  Users may submit their questions or feedback by e-mail or PM to the Moderator, and the Moderator will also provide a board in the Foyer for submitting questions and feedback.  The Moderator will endeavour to respond to all questions and feedback submitted using these channels and will decide on the appropriate method for responding in each case.  Where a user submits questions or feedback in the Foyer on a moderation issue concerning that user or any other specific user, the Moderator reserves the right to take down the questions or feedback from the board and reply to the user (or any other affected user) by PM or e-mail instead.  A user may also ask that questions or feedback are taken down from the Foyer if the subject-matter raised concerns him individually, and the Moderator will decide whether to accede to this request.

25. The application and interpretation of these Rules are at the absolute discretion of the Moderator, whose decisions shall be final and binding.

26. References in these Rules to 'Moderator', 'we', and similar, shall include anyone appointed by the Moderator to assist with the running of the Forum or other matters. 

27. For the purpose of communications from this Forum to an external source (such as, for example, an e-mail account), only the e-mail addresses listed in Annex D below are to be considered official and authorised.  An e-mail received from an address not listed in Annex D or communication received by any other means (snail mail letter, text, Instant Message, PM on any other forum or platform, etc.) may not have been authorised by this Forum, and even if it appears to have been sent by the Moderator or somebody authorised by the Moderator, it should not be considered an official communication, and its contents should be forwarded to the Moderator forthwith either by PM on this Forum or at the e-mail address given in the preamble above.  Where no e-mail address is specified in Annex D, then users should assume that the official e-mail address is as given in the preamble above.

28. These Rules are in addition to the Registration Agreement, which you agreed to (or will agree to) during the initial registration process.  In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these Rules and the Registration Agreement, these Rules shall prevail.

29. The Moderator reserves the right to make changes and modifications to these Rules from time-to-time.  Save for corrections and other very minor changes, and subject to the exception set out in Rule 30 below, whenever the Forum Rules are changed or modified in any substantial way, a new version will be posted to the relevant board in the Foyer and a Notice of Changes will be posted to the General Discussion board and e-mailed to all Forum members.  Members will be deemed to have accepted any such changes by their continued use of the Forum. 

30. The requirement under Rule 29 above to seek the agreement of members shall be suspended while these Forum Rules are a 'Work in Progress', except that the Moderator must adhere to Rule 29 above where a rule change may prejudicially affect any member.

31. For brevity, reference in these Forum Rules and other official communications to non-corporate persons shall default to the masculine form, when needed, unless the specific context requires otherwise. 

32. The Moderator is resident in Britain.  The governing law is English law.  The exclusive jurisdiction is England & Wales, save that the Moderator reserves the right to bring proceedings in the local jurisdiction of a forum user for the purpose of injunctive relief (or the local equivalent) or for the purpose of enforcing a judgment of the courts of England & Wales.


Template Letter to Individuals Who Ask To Join

Dear [insert name],

Your request to join the Jeremy Bamber Discussion Forum

Thank you for your request to join the Jeremy Bamber Discussion Forum.

Before we approve your request, please reply to the following by hitting the 'Reply' button in your e-mail application and typing under each question:

1. Please read our Forum Rules at [click on 'Forum Rules' under 'Foyer' near the top of the page]. Then type 'YES' below to confirm you have read, understood and agree to the Forum Rules.

2. Please provide your real name by typing it below.  This helps to maintain seriousness and maturity in discussions on the Forum, though you will be permitted to use an alias as your screen name, if you wish.

3. If you are, or ever have been, a member of the Blue Forum or Red Forum, please type below your existing screen handle(s) in those places.  If you have never been a registered user of either forum and/or you do not know what we mean by the 'Blue Forum' and 'Red Forum', then type 'Not Applicable' below.

If anything is unclear or you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask, by replying to this e-mail.

If we do not hear from you within 14 days of this e-mail, we will assume you do not wish to proceed and we will delete your request.

Best Wishes,

[insert name]
Forum Moderator


Template Approval Letter

Dear [insert name],

Your request to join the Jeremy Bamber Discussion Forum

We are pleased to confirm that your request to join the Forum has been approved and you are now a registered member.  You have been allocated a screen handle based on information you have provided.  If you wish to change it, please e-mail or PM the Moderator.

All new members must post a new topic about themselves on the New Members board (in the Foyer) before posting elsewhere on the Forum.  Please see the 'Read Me' topic on that board for further guidance.

Here is a link:

We also recommend you read the WELCOME! thread, which can be found at the below link:

We hope you find the Forum useful and informative.  Please do not hesitate to e-mail or PM the Forum Moderator if you have any questions or anything is unclear.  An e-mail address is provided below.


[insert name]
Forum Moderator
E-mail: [insert contact e-mail address]


Template Rejection Letter to Individuals Who Have Asked To Join [Non-Response]

Dear [insert name],

Your request to join the Jeremy Bamber Discussion Forum

I note that 14 days have elapsed since our previous e-mail and we have not received a response from you.  Accordingly, your application to join the Forum has been rejected.

In accordance with Rule 23 of the Forum:

(i). your details will be retained for a period of six months and will be deleted on or around [insert date];
(ii). your IP address and any usernames you provided to us will be retained for a period of six years, to be deleted on or around [insert date].


[insert name]
Forum Moderator


Recognised E-mail Addresses