Jeremy's Movements

Started by Erik Narramore, November 12, 2022, 08:57:26 AM

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Erik Narramore

The question of how Jeremy could have got to and from the farmhouse has to be considered in conjunction with the phone calls.  The two matters are interlinked.  You can't consider one aspect of the case without the other.  Furthermore, a consideration of the phone calls requires us to logically re-consider the crime scene scenario, for the reasons I set out here.

I am familiar with the local area and I can tell you that, in order for Jeremy to be guilty, he would have had to make at least the return leg by push bike.  This absolutely must be the case if he is guilty and if he staged a call from Nevill, for reasons I will again explain in what follows.

The police in their report to the DPP argued that he went out by foot and returned using June's ladies' bike.  I think this argument is based on the following logic:

- the bike was usually kept at the farmhouse;
- prior to the shootings, June's bike is seen at Bourtree Cottage by Julie;
- June must have missed the bike, which implies Jeremy must have sought permission to have the bike for Julie's use;
- Julie's stance implies she wasn't making use of the bike, as Jeremy claimed;
- this could be taken to suggest that Jeremy took an interest in the bike for the purpose of his murder plot;
- the bike is again found at Bourtree Cottage after the shootings;
- June must have had contact with Julie during the latter's visits.

Taking all these factors together, it seems more likely than not the bike was returned to the farmhouse before the shootings.  If, in the alternative, we say that Jeremy maintained a lie to June about his utilisation of the bike, this implies complicity in the lie on the part of Julie - i.e. Julie is Jeremy's accomplice on some level.  Hence, the police stance on the bike is that Jeremy used it on the return leg only.  After all, they don't want to implicate Julie.

I have never believed Essex Police were stupid in this case.  They thought everything through carefully and came up with the best incriminating scenario they could.

Why couldn't Jeremy have returned on foot?  Because of the phone calls, which create timing pressures for Jeremy.

First and foremost, I believe that if Jeremy is guilty, then the idea of the phone call from Nevill was unplanned.

Here I outline my thoughts on this:,11011.msg509821.html#msg509821

Here's a comment outlining why the bike was necessary:,10975.msg508478.html#msg508478

Then I suggest you read the exchanges between myself and Adam on the 'Telecoms in 1985' (which you started), starting with this comment:,11011.msg509922.html#msg509922

You will see that Adam is all over the place and has to keep trying to bring the timings forward to make it all fit.

The other issue is whether Jeremy had an answerphone prior to the shootings.  I believe I have established fairly conclusively that he could not have owned and/or used an answerphone beforehand.

See this comment:,10975.msg508446.html#msg508446

And this one:,11011.msg509870.html#msg509870

And this one:,11039.msg512339.html#msg512339

I believe my analysis throws substantial reasonable doubt on Jeremy's guilt.  The only way out of this for the guilt camp is to argue that the call from Nevill was invented rather than staged, but this then involves Jeremy running the risk of no call log existing at the PB exchange, and you also have to ask why during his later police interviews he would prompt the police to make such inquiries.

I outline the problem with the guilt position on this issue here:,11011.msg509997.html#msg509997

I should add that the police took evidence from a BT engineer and he could not say conclusively and definitively whether a call log would have been made at the PB exchange.  I can't imagine how Jeremy could have established the position, so we are left with the pro-guilt camp's fall-back stance: that Jeremy was just arrogant and decided to chance it.

For completeness:

Here's my full Jeremy Scenario thread:,10975.0.html

Here's a 2020 thread I started in which the interlinkage of the phone calls and Jeremy's movements that night is explored:,10348.0.html
"If the accusation is not proved beyond reasonable doubt against the man accused in the dock, then by law he is entitled to be acquitted, because that is the way our rules work.  It is no concession to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is entitled by law to a verdict of Not Guilty." - R v Adams