Point-by-point response to Adam's 2002 Court of Appeal list

Started by Erik Narramore, February 01, 2022, 02:15:09 AM

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Erik Narramore

See below.  Adam's comments are, appropriately enough, in blue, since it's the Blue Forum that allows him to spout all his nonsense.  I can't reply to every point because I don't have time, and these are not detailed responses, again due to time constraints on me.

When I was still on the Blue Forum, I did ask that if Adam wants to cite the Court of Appeal (I assume the 2002 judgment) as his source, then he should provide the paragraph number each time.  This is so that we can quickly verify if Adam's interpretation of what the judges ruled or stated is accurate.  This is important, because Adam's interpretation of what was said or the context of judicial observations, or the meaning to be imputed behind what was said, was often at variance with the official record, and sometimes departed from its literality. 



Extremley low levels of lead found on hands on Sheila.  Not consistent with handling a rifle. Significantly higher traces expected - Not disputed - COA, BAMBER'S DEFENCE.

Given that she was found holding a rifle, that's rather peculiar.  But who am I to argue with the Court of Appeal?   


Bamber doing nothing between 3.10am - 3.26/36am - Not disputed - COA, BAMBER.

Even if true, proves nothing.


Nevill's massive height/weight advantage over Sheila - Not disputed - COA.

I dispute this, not as a simple fact, but for its interpretation and significance.  You take the simple view that big must prevail over small, but that is not how it works in reality.  For various reasons, a small and weak person can have physical and psychological advantages over a large person in a fight or struggle.


Impossibility of shower removing evidence off Sheila - Not disputed - COA.



Impossibility of Sheila showering after killing herself - Not disputed - SCIENTIFIC FACT.

She could have killed herself and then showered?  Nobody has said that. 


Paint in silencer - Not disputed but suggestion from Bamber cousins did this - COA.


Aga scratch's - Not disputed but suggestion from Bamber cousins did this - COA.

How were these scratch marks made, Adam?


A lot of blood on Nevill's side of the bed - Not disputed - COA.



Sheila under sedation - Not disputed - COA.

Not true.  Your assertion does not reflect what the Court of Appeal states in its judgment.


Easy bike routes to WHF - Not disputed - COA.

Definitely disputed.


June not waking or getting woken by Nevill - Not disputed - COA.

Definitely disputed, as is your assertion that Nevill was woken up by being shot!


Nevill's back burns - Not disputed. Suggestion burns were caused minus silencer rejected - BAMBER, TONIGHT PROGRAMME, COA.

This was not rejected by the Court of Appeal.  To my knowledge, the specific point has never been adjudicated.


The twins not waking - Not disputed - COA.

Well I'll dispute this.  There is no evidence for it.  It's just an assumption and opinionation on the part of the pathologist.


Sheila's time limits - Not disputed - POLICE STATEMENTS.

No idea what you mean, sorry.


No valid Sheila scenario - Not disputed - OS & FORUM.

Not true.  Both I and David have provided you with plausible Sheila scenarios.


Bamber's 3am call to Julie - Not disputed - COA.

I agree with this one.


Bamber asking the police to pick him up - Not disputed - WILKES, CRIMES, HEARTS & CORONETS.

That's not incriminating.  It suggests that Bamber was at Bourtree Cottage, as he claims.


Nevill's back burns - Not disputed - COA.

Hotly disputed, to use a pun. Nobody knows how those injuries were caused.


Ease for a man to lift & carry a woman - Not disputed. YOUTUBE VIDEO

Easy for a woman to wake up in the middle of a violent massacre or when being carried - Common knowledge.


Bamber's found hacksaw - Not disputed - COA.[

I also agree with you on this one.  While it doesn't link Bamber to the crime, it does open up the possibility that he could have entered and exited the farmhouse that night while allowing the appearance that it was locked from the inside.


Bible on Sheila's arm- Not disputed - PHOTOGRAPHS.

In regard to both this and your earlier point about blood under the Bible, the problem you have is that the police probably moved the Bible and re-positioned Sheila - no doubt for entirely innocent reasons.  My suspicion is that Jeremy left Sheila on the bed.


Only execution period available to Bamber, 12am - 3am - Not disputed - BAMBER

I agree with this, but I would say that the period was more like 1 a.m. to 2.30 a.m.

He needed to do the deed in the absolute dead hours.

12 a.m. is a bit too early, because it's possible people are still awake at that time - not just in the farmhouse, but in the locality.

3 a.m. is a bit too late, due to the risk that people in the locality will be getting up and going to work.

I think he needed it done by 2.30 a.m.


Housekeeper evidence of items around the kitchen sink being moved on massacre night - Not disputed- PB WS, WILKES'S BOOK

You are forgetting that the police moved everything about.


Sheila having to load prior to first shots - Not disputed. COA

The magazine was charged.  It's not a big deal for her to load the gun.


Blood in silencer being Sheila's with remote possibility of being a mixture of June and Nevill's. Meaning the silencer was used. Not disputed. COA.

That's not what the blood expert found and the trial judge misdirected the jury on the blood evidence.  Hayward only said that the blood grouping corresponded to Sheila's, with a remote possibility of June and Nevill's blood groups.


Nevill having the oppportunity to restrain Sheila while fully fit prior to her firing shots. Not disputed. AGREED BY ALL PARTIES.

But you assume it would have been like taking sweets from a baby.  I would dispute this.  I've explained already elsewhere.
"If the accusation is not proved beyond reasonable doubt against the man accused in the dock, then by law he is entitled to be acquitted, because that is the way our rules work.  It is no concession to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is entitled by law to a verdict of Not Guilty." - R v Adams