Progress of the 2021 Application to the CCRC

Started by Erik Narramore, November 12, 2022, 03:23:20 AM

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Erik Narramore

There were two major submissions in 2021.  The first was in March, the second set of submissions was in the early summer (I can't offhand remember the exact date).

I have predicted that a decision will not come until 2023, but at a stretch they may render a decision in the autumn.

But we just don't know.  We'll have to see.

I don't think it is any secret that the submissions are essentially 'old wine in new bottles'.  That says nothing about the strength or weakness of the submissions overall.

If Jeremy's convictions are overturned on any basis, even just a dry technicality, it will be a sensation.
"If the accusation is not proved beyond reasonable doubt against the man accused in the dock, then by law he is entitled to be acquitted, because that is the way our rules work.  It is no concession to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is entitled by law to a verdict of Not Guilty." - R v Adams