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Messages - Rob Garland

Quote from: Leslie Aalders on November 06, 2023, 10:04:09 PM
Quote from: Rob Garland on November 05, 2023, 10:22:46 PM
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on November 04, 2023, 11:59:36 PMThe thing is,if Nevill phoned the police at 3.25, was June and the boys dead by then?
If not,things must have moved fast before the police arrived.And why phone anyone if no one was injured at that point.? If they were dead,why didn't Nevill mention this to the police or JB?
Could they have been killed while Nevill was asleep down stairs? Surely not,wouldn't he have checked out what had happened when he woke up before phoning anyone?
And what about Nevill,was he uninjured when he made the calls to JB and the police?If so,we have to ask again,why was he phoning at all?
Now,Erik gave a scenario where things kick off in the kitchen between Nevill and Sheila, in which Nevill phones JB and Sheila runs up stairs and starts shooting.This is quite plausable,but there would have been no time for Nevill to call the police too before chasing after Sheila.
In all honesty,it is hard to come up with a scenario where Nevill gets a chance to call both JB and the police.
Yet,the CT claim that Nevill made a call to both JB and the police before being beaten and shot to death minutes later before falling against the Aga,then the police move Nevill to the chair/scuttle upon entry.
So when do the CT think Nevill was shot in the face and arm? Before the phone calls or after?
I simply cant work out a scenario that fits very well with Nevill calling the police then being moved by the TFG upon entry.
But I suppose, all that the CT need is proof of a call from Nevill,which they claim they have got.
So who knows,lets see what the CCRC conclude.

If there is proof of a call to the police from Nevil this virtually clears JB Leslie unless the prosecution claims the call was faked? Did the police hide the call out of honorable intentions?

It is difficult to fit the burns into a scenario if they take several hours to form, unless the police did actually move Nevil upon entry to the kitchen but why?

The only other option and to me the most likely is the altercation between Nevil and Sheila played out over a much longer time period, but if Nevil somehow ended up against the Aga for several hours I believe the call to JB has to be before any shots have been fired?

If the Aga is the cause of the burns to me this greatly helps JB, there is no way JB would be messing around for several hours he would just finish Nevil off where he lay.
There is quite a comprehensive discussion about Nevills phone call to the police in the official JB innocence campaign forum Rob.The CT claim that recordings of calls from both JB and Nevill to the police should still exist as copies were made and no record of their destruction has been found.They think the recordings may be held under PII.
The CT make quite a good argument about the two written logs as well Rob and firmly believe that Nevill phoned the police at 3.26 and JB phoned them at 3.36.
So,if we go by this,how do we fit a scenario around these times? What state was everyone in when Nevill called the police at 3.26?
 The thing is,the CT dont give a comprehensive scenario,so we dont know what had happened prior to Nevill calling the police at 3.26,only that he was consequently beaten and shot to death before falling against the Aga and there after moved to the chair/scuttle by the police.

So,what the CT need to make clear is,did all the victims die after Nevill pnoned the police or was June and the boys already dead? If so,why didn't Nevill mention this to JB or the police?
And as you say Rob,what reason did the police have for moving Nevill after entry.
You would think if Sheila didn't start shooting till after Nevill called the police,then he must have been the first to die before June and the boys were awake,otherwise everyone would have been running about the house and the boys could not have possibly died in their sleep.Nevill must have been despatched first before Sheila headed up stairs to attack an unsuspecting June and twins,who must have still been sleeping after Nevill was shot.
Trouble is,we are told Nevill was shot four times before ending up in the kitchen.
So Rob,obviously what we have to ask is,how did it all kick off and what made Nevill decide to call JB and the police,and more importantly,where was Sheila when he was making the calls? Just how can the CT explain this?
Or indeed how can any of us??
Well,if we are to go by the CT scenario, then it must have been obvious to Nevill that Sheila was having a psychotic episode and was very dangerous.But why not phone her doctors for help? Well,obviously Sheila must have been in possesion of the rifle and terrifying Nevill.

Could it have kicked off in Sheilas bedroom? Did Nevill find her there with the rifle? This would at least explain Nevill being shot from above in the arm and shoulder while running down stairs.But what about the face shots before reaching the kitchen? He couldn't make the calls could he? We're more or less back to the police scenario of Nevill being unable to make the calls.

It gets confusing.Maybe we should look at the wording of Nevills calls to JB and the police?
CRAZY and BERSERK! Now,both those words are quite powerful,you dont use them unless someone is completely out of control,especially BERSERK.So what was Sheila doing,or HAD done for Nevill to use those words?
Obviously she was carrying on like a lunatic when Nevill made the calls,but where was she? WHERE ON EARTH was Sheila when Nevill was on the phone?
He couldn't just leave her to run amok and attack June and the boys.
Did Nevill manage to shut Sheila in a room while he was on the phone? How else could he get any peace to make the calls?
Anyway Rob,if it did all kick off at 3.26 when Nevill phoned the police,Sheila didn't have much time to kill eveyone before the police arrived.
Oh well,that will do for now I suppose.

I have often thought that the boys were shot first Leslie in one go, not one shot each then more shots latter. This is also born out by the pattern of the shots. The shots are also in multiples of eight or thereabouts, I believe Sheila would only be able to load around 8 bullets into the magazine as loading the final few bullets gets stiff and hard to insert.

So if the boys are shot first Sheila then reloads which would leave her with around 8 bullets. It's possible the boys were already shot without Nevil knowing when he phones JB? When Nevil calls either the police or JB he has to believe no shots have been fired it's just Sheila going mad waving a gun around?

If JB really planned all this surely he does not use two reloads? Would he not use say three shots on the boys, two or three on Nevil maybe 5 on June leaving Sheila needing to only load one or two bullets to shoot herself which would be easy and no one would have questioned.

Regarding the Aga I don't believe the police would move Nevil absolutely no reason to, if the Aga caused the burns then to me the tragedy kicked off much earlier maybe around 1.00am?

The wounds to Nevil are classic with attacks involving people with PS having a meltdown.

Quote from: Leslie Aalders on November 04, 2023, 11:59:36 PMThe thing is,if Nevill phoned the police at 3.25, was June and the boys dead by then?
If not,things must have moved fast before the police arrived.And why phone anyone if no one was injured at that point.? If they were dead,why didn't Nevill mention this to the police or JB?
Could they have been killed while Nevill was asleep down stairs? Surely not,wouldn't he have checked out what had happened when he woke up before phoning anyone?
And what about Nevill,was he uninjured when he made the calls to JB and the police?If so,we have to ask again,why was he phoning at all?
Now,Erik gave a scenario where things kick off in the kitchen between Nevill and Sheila, in which Nevill phones JB and Sheila runs up stairs and starts shooting.This is quite plausable,but there would have been no time for Nevill to call the police too before chasing after Sheila.
In all honesty,it is hard to come up with a scenario where Nevill gets a chance to call both JB and the police.
Yet,the CT claim that Nevill made a call to both JB and the police before being beaten and shot to death minutes later before falling against the Aga,then the police move Nevill to the chair/scuttle upon entry.
So when do the CT think Nevill was shot in the face and arm? Before the phone calls or after?
I simply cant work out a scenario that fits very well with Nevill calling the police then being moved by the TFG upon entry.
But I suppose, all that the CT need is proof of a call from Nevill,which they claim they have got.
So who knows,lets see what the CCRC conclude.

If there is proof of a call to the police from Nevil this virtually clears JB Leslie unless the prosecution claims the call was faked? Did the police hide the call out of honorable intentions?

It is difficult to fit the burns into a scenario if they take several hours to form, unless the police did actually move Nevil upon entry to the kitchen but why?

The only other option and to me the most likely is the altercation between Nevil and Sheila played out over a much longer time period, but if Nevil somehow ended up against the Aga for several hours I believe the call to JB has to be before any shots have been fired?

If the Aga is the cause of the burns to me this greatly helps JB, there is no way JB would be messing around for several hours he would just finish Nevil off where he lay.
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 29, 2023, 04:28:43 PM
Quote from: Rob Garland on October 29, 2023, 03:34:30 PM
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 29, 2023, 03:17:51 PM
Quote from: Bill Robertson on October 29, 2023, 03:01:54 PMWe now have a scenario where we know that Hayward did not find a match for Sheila Caffell's blood in a silencer despite the evidence that he gave in court (see recent CCRC Watch article). We also know that David Boutflour's blood was found in a silencer, though we don't know for certain which one. We also know for sure Fletcher measured two different silencers, one 7 inches long and one 6.5 inches long.
It seems to me that there is a possibility that if there was blood in one or more silencers, it could have been animal blood rather than SC/RB blood, and that a different silencer contains blood from DB. I wonder if the CCRC will get any nearer to finding out the truth?
Very interesting indeed Bill.I am very poor at understanding the scientific details of the blood samples.

What I also find interesting Leslie is that I read somewhere that two silencers were picked up by the police (from the relatives i believe?) during the trial and taken to the court.

I will try and locate the source.
Well,if the silencer evidence is demolished and the Aga burns accepted surely an appeal will have to be granted Rob.

Yes you would think so Leslie but the CCRC will try to explain it away somehow I fear?
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 29, 2023, 03:17:51 PM
Quote from: Bill Robertson on October 29, 2023, 03:01:54 PMWe now have a scenario where we know that Hayward did not find a match for Sheila Caffell's blood in a silencer despite the evidence that he gave in court (see recent CCRC Watch article). We also know that David Boutflour's blood was found in a silencer, though we don't know for certain which one. We also know for sure Fletcher measured two different silencers, one 7 inches long and one 6.5 inches long.
It seems to me that there is a possibility that if there was blood in one or more silencers, it could have been animal blood rather than SC/RB blood, and that a different silencer contains blood from DB. I wonder if the CCRC will get any nearer to finding out the truth?
Very interesting indeed Bill.I am very poor at understanding the scientific details of the blood samples.

What I also find interesting Leslie is that I read somewhere that two silencers were picked up by the police (from the relatives i believe?) during the trial and taken to the court.

I will try and locate the source.
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 19, 2023, 03:07:55 PM
Quote from: Rob Garland on October 19, 2023, 07:21:59 AM
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 18, 2023, 10:17:35 PMI suppose,like everyone else,the police simply didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle back in 1985,eg.,the Aga burns to Nevills back.

Therefore,the official police scenarioo sent to the Director of public prosecutions back then falls flat.

That is,of course,IF the CCRC accept Boyce's Aga evidence.You see,the prosecution case has Nevill being shot in the main bedroom before running down to the kitchen where he is then beaten before ending up on the chair/scuttle to receive his final four head shots.There is no way of fitting in Nevill lying with his back against the Aga for several minutes or maybe for an hour or more.

And when you think it through,just what else could have made the burns to Nevills back,and just as importantly,why?

Until Boyce suggested the Aga,the burns to Nevills back were never thought of as accidental,that possibility was never discussed by the police,they needed to claim they were caused because of a more sinister reason,eg,prodding with the rifle,heating the rifle to check for signs of life or heating the rifle or some other instrument to inflict torture,none of which make any sense whatsoever from a guilty Bamber.Just how would JB think that by burning Nevills back three times in any way would point to Sheila as the killer? And if Nevill was in any sort of state to be tortured then he was also in a state where he could fight back surely?

Checking for signs of life? Not with four bullets in Nevills brain surely.
No,you dont have to think about the burn marks to Nevill for long to work out that they most likely occurred accidentally.There are only two choices,accidental or intentionally by the killer,and for me there is no contest.
The size and spacings of the marks on Nevills back are also very similar,if not identical to those in Boyce's pig skin experiments,and the handles on the Aga are obviously at just the right height for Nevills spine to land against while lying on his side.

Time wise,the Aga burns are important too,or should I say the time that Nevill needed to lye against the Aga for,for the burns to form.Obviously the Aga handles weren't red hot and branded Nevill right away,yet they were quite deep,so must have formed slowly over a considerable amount of time.We dont know how long they took to form yet,but just how do you fit them into a JB scenario?
I suppose you could argue that JB battered Nevill unconcious by the Aga then went up stairs to kill everyone else first,but this would not have taken very long surely? Not long enough for the burns to form by the sound of things,and why wouldn't he shoot Nevill first?

Of course,it has to be pointed out that Boyce and the campaign team believe that Nevill was dead by the time he was lying against the Aga,and that the police moved him upon entry.Just how this helps prove Bamber is innocent I am not sure? Surely their claim means that JB could have chased Nevill to the kitchen and killed him right away leaving him against the Aga, before leaving the house soon after?I dont really understand what they are hoping to achieve with this claim?

Oh well,we'll soon find out what the CCRC makes of it all I suppose.

The burns or marks to Nevil are a interesting part of what happened that night Leslie, if the Aga did indeed cause the burns then the main aspect to me is that the burns had to have taken several hours to occur, as the temperature would not be that hot?

This means that the events played out over quite a considerable time as I don't believe the police would have moved Nevil from the floor to the chair? If the police did move Nevil it was because they dislodged him when they entered the kitchen and propped him back again?

If Bamber is the shooter it would be a quick in and out, if Nevil is injured by the Aga JB would simply leave him their and just finish him off.

So to me if the Aga caused the burns this points to Sheila?
Yes,I agree with everything you say Rob,it is quite possible that the TFG dislodged Nevill upon entry,he may even have landed more or less where we see him,there may have been very little re-staging.

I just dont see why the police would have moved Nevill from the AGA to the chair/scuttle upon entry and I cant see what Boyce and the CT hope to achieve trying to prove this.

And think about this Rob,how could the killer return the silencer after the shooting if Nevill was sitting on a chair blocking  off the kitchen door completely? Obviously the silencer had to be back in the cupboard by then.
And Bamber could not have got to the den any other way,the key was in the lock on the inside of the back door wasn't it?
And lets just suppose that Nevill did topple into that possition on the scuttle as the TFG entered,in that case they did not lie in their statements,what they would have indeed seen as they entered the kitchen was Nevill sitting with his head in the scuttle,perfectly true!

So if Nevill was blocking the kitchen door,just when was the silencer returned to the den?
Well if Sheila was last to be killed,doesn't this rule Bamber out as the shooter? How could he replace the silencer after shooting Sheila if Nevill was blocking the door?
However,we have spoken of the possibility of Sheila replacing the silencer while Nevill is against the Aga,hence a clear path to the den at that time.
You could argue that JB shot Sheila first then returned the silencer,but why would he use the silencer on Sheila only? And besides,how could the silencer scratch the mantel shelf in the struggle with Nevill if it was back in the den by then?
Anyway,as you say,the Aga burns surely work in Bambers favour if accepted Rob.However,the CT trying to claim that the police moved Nevill from in front of the Aga to the chair/scuttle spoils JBs chances if you ask me ,what do you think their plan of action is?

I think the problem the CT have is fitting everything into a plausible timeline Leslie.

If the Aga caused the burns to Nevil was the phone call to JB before or after? I think the phone call must have come first, Nevil then somehow ends up lying injured against the Aga and if the burns take two hours to form that would mean the police are at the scene with Nevil still alive.

This is why the CT have the police moving Nevil but why?

It is possible Sheila hit Nevil with the rifle knocking him out and he landed against the Aga, before any shots had been fired. Time is not a problem in this scenario then when he comes to he calls JB. If shots have been fired I think Nevil would call 999 not JB?
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 18, 2023, 10:17:35 PMI suppose,like everyone else,the police simply didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle back in 1985,eg.,the Aga burns to Nevills back.

Therefore,the official police scenarioo sent to the Director of public prosecutions back then falls flat.

That is,of course,IF the CCRC accept Boyce's Aga evidence.You see,the prosecution case has Nevill being shot in the main bedroom before running down to the kitchen where he is then beaten before ending up on the chair/scuttle to receive his final four head shots.There is no way of fitting in Nevill lying with his back against the Aga for several minutes or maybe for an hour or more.

And when you think it through,just what else could have made the burns to Nevills back,and just as importantly,why?

Until Boyce suggested the Aga,the burns to Nevills back were never thought of as accidental,that possibility was never discussed by the police,they needed to claim they were caused because of a more sinister reason,eg,prodding with the rifle,heating the rifle to check for signs of life or heating the rifle or some other instrument to inflict torture,none of which make any sense whatsoever from a guilty Bamber.Just how would JB think that by burning Nevills back three times in any way would point to Sheila as the killer? And if Nevill was in any sort of state to be tortured then he was also in a state where he could fight back surely?

Checking for signs of life? Not with four bullets in Nevills brain surely.
No,you dont have to think about the burn marks to Nevill for long to work out that they most likely occurred accidentally.There are only two choices,accidental or intentionally by the killer,and for me there is no contest.
The size and spacings of the marks on Nevills back are also very similar,if not identical to those in Boyce's pig skin experiments,and the handles on the Aga are obviously at just the right height for Nevills spine to land against while lying on his side.

Time wise,the Aga burns are important too,or should I say the time that Nevill needed to lye against the Aga for,for the burns to form.Obviously the Aga handles weren't red hot and branded Nevill right away,yet they were quite deep,so must have formed slowly over a considerable amount of time.We dont know how long they took to form yet,but just how do you fit them into a JB scenario?
I suppose you could argue that JB battered Nevill unconcious by the Aga then went up stairs to kill everyone else first,but this would not have taken very long surely? Not long enough for the burns to form by the sound of things,and why wouldn't he shoot Nevill first?

Of course,it has to be pointed out that Boyce and the campaign team believe that Nevill was dead by the time he was lying against the Aga,and that the police moved him upon entry.Just how this helps prove Bamber is innocent I am not sure? Surely their claim means that JB could have chased Nevill to the kitchen and killed him right away leaving him against the Aga, before leaving the house soon after?I dont really understand what they are hoping to achieve with this claim?

Oh well,we'll soon find out what the CCRC makes of it all I suppose.

The burns or marks to Nevil are a interesting part of what happened that night Leslie, if the Aga did indeed cause the burns then the main aspect to me is that the burns had to have taken several hours to occur, as the temperature would not be that hot?

This means that the events played out over quite a considerable time as I don't believe the police would have moved Nevil from the floor to the chair? If the police did move Nevil it was because they dislodged him when they entered the kitchen and propped him back again?

If Bamber is the shooter it would be a quick in and out, if Nevil is injured by the Aga JB would simply leave him their and just finish him off.

So to me if the Aga caused the burns this points to Sheila?
I believe Millar in a TV interview I saw also said the silencer was sticky, would super glue fuming testing for fingerprints make the silencer sticky?

DB seems to contradict himself a lot, in one statement he saw the paint / blood when the silencer was found at WHF then in another it was latter at Ann's house I believe.
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 13, 2023, 11:28:06 PMOf course,there is the possibility that Sheila DID attach the silencer before the shooting,also hoping for a silent massacre,before returning it mid way through the shooting to the gun cupboard.This may not be as far fetched as we think now that the Aga burns have been introduced.
I will try and come up with a reasonably plausible scenario to suit this.

The silencer from a human ears point of view makes little difference when using low velocity ammunition Leslie.
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on October 09, 2023, 11:05:07 PMAfter reading the above post,I realize its a bit of a ramble.But it can basically be summed up with one question,if guilty,just when did JB realize that the silencer was missing from the gun cupboard?
Think about it,just when did he look in the cupboard after the murders?
Or did he just intend to vacate the WHF at some stage and leave the silencer in situ for the next accupants to find?

Even if JB is guilty Leslie I still believe the silencer was planted to beef up the evidence.

Though I believe this will one day be one of Britain's worst MOJ's.

I see nothing in this myself, if guilty JB could have taken three quarters of the money and no one would be any the wiser.

Nevil and JB worked together so JB would naturally have a rough idea of how mush cash Nevil carried around.

This whole aspect to me shows just how little evidence the guilters have and are grasping at anything to help their cause.
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on April 29, 2023, 11:30:23 PM
Quote from: Rob Garland on April 29, 2023, 10:19:58 PMMark Kane never wrote an essay Leslie it was a stunt by Forbes to try and make £50000 pounds. This is confirmed in a statement from the lecturer.

I don't understand all this DNA stuff, it was agreed at trail that DNA evidence would not be used as Luke and Jodie were in a relationship.

If Luke is innocent he has some serious questions to answer: Why did he phone the talking clock if he was supposedly home at the time, where did his coat go, and where was his knife which closely matched the description that the pathologist described as the murder weapon.
Hi Rob.If you watch the podcast that Tom posted at the start of this thread Forbes claims the essay's were found.I suppose the main things about the DNA is why Jodi's sisters boyfriends DNA was found on her T-shirt,and of course the lack of Jodi's blood on Luke,just how did he carry out the murder without getting a drop of blood on his clothes or his boots? Did it only land on the Parka jacket?

Forbes and Lean claim that Luke didn't even own a Parka jacket till after the murders anyway.I dont know what is fact and what is fiction at this stage Rob.It is claimed he phoned the speaking clock because his mobile phone was cracked obscuring the time,but as you rightly say if he was at home why not just look at the clock on the wall or whatever.
I think he had what is called a skunting knife with a four inch blade,would this be capable of inflicting such damage? His hands would have been close to the body and covered in blood,do you think he wore protective clothing and gloves Rob?
I just dont know what to think,but I definately have some doubt of his guilt at the moment.
And what do you make of the destruction of evidence Rob,echoes of the Bamber case?

It was a while ago that I looked at this case and to be honest my verdict was the jury's decision was correct.

I don't agree with destruction of evidence especially in a case where someone is protesting their innocence.

The coat Luke was wearing on the day (very distinctive) was never found, him mum bought him a identical one latter. I never knew this was now being challenged? The podcast is too long for me to watch though I watched the first bit.

From memory the pathologist said the knife was short stout etc. which I would say is similar to the shunting knife Luke had and again has not been found. I have seen pictures of the sheath.

I might look at the case again but the circumstantial evidence to me is quite strong.
Mark Kane never wrote an essay Leslie it was a stunt by Forbes to try and make £50000 pounds. This is confirmed in a statement from the lecturer.

I don't understand all this DNA stuff, it was agreed at trail that DNA evidence would not be used as Luke and Jodie were in a relationship.

If Luke is innocent he has some serious questions to answer: Why did he phone the talking clock if he was supposedly home at the time, where did his coat go, and where was his knife which closely matched the description that the pathologist described as the murder weapon.
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on April 25, 2023, 10:39:48 PM
Quote from: Rob Garland on April 25, 2023, 09:53:29 PM
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on April 25, 2023, 12:51:48 PMI see professor David Wilson now believes Luke Mitchell to be innocent.

The missing knife and coat are pretty hard to explain away, he was seen wearing the coat on the night by several witnesses which was never found. To me the verdict is safe?
Thanks Rob,as I say,I am new to the case so undecided.Strange that both Luke and his mum passed a polygraph though isn't it?

A polygraph is very accurate when used on people not trained in countermeasures, but someone who knows how to beat them it's not hard.
Quote from: Leslie Aalders on April 25, 2023, 12:51:48 PMI see professor David Wilson now believes Luke Mitchell to be innocent.

The missing knife and coat are pretty hard to explain away, he was seen wearing the coat on the night by several witnesses which was never found. To me the verdict is safe?
Quote from: Erik Narramore on January 29, 2022, 01:39:29 AMScenario 1:
Here we have a young woman with paranoid schizophrenia and a history of violence and threats of violence, who is estranged from her husband and works in dead-end jobs, dislikes her mentally-ill mother who adopted her and has disturbing psychotic delusions about her own twin sons.  She is disappointed by a meeting with her biological mother, who returns to Canada.  She is also a recreational drug user.  Her psychotropic dosage has been reduced drastically in the last month or two.  She is already in the house and has access to a rifle and a loaded magazine, with more ammunition nearby.  She argues with her father and she starts threatening to go upstairs with the rifle.  He cannot lay his hands on her and is also concerned to keep her downstairs and away from her mother and her own sons, so he tries to calm her down in the kitchen and also rings his son (her brother) while she is present.  When the son answers, she runs upstairs and starts shooting.  She kills her family, all at close range, including her sons, then turns the gun on herself.  She is duly found with the rifle on or by her body.  She is forensically clean, but it is believed she washed herself prior to suicide, as is fairly common.

Scenario 2:
Now we have a young man with no history of violence, who lives 2/3 miles away.  We say that he goes out in the middle of the night to the house, enters and leaves undetected and without leaving any blood traces.  He proceeds to kill his entire family, including two little boys in their beds, simply so he can have lots of money now and drink champagne and have meals at restaurants and go to St Tropez.  He may also buy a smallholding in Dorset - he hasn't decided yet, let's see what happens with probate.  He does this even though he already has a lot of money and a secure future with a large inheritance down the line.  He also tells his girlfriend what he is planning to do and then reveals to her what has happened after he does the deed, albeit obliquely in the form of a made-up story about a hitman - in effect, he is confessing to her.  She spills the beans to a friend, and this friend engages in horseplay with this mass murderer at her 21st. birthday party a few days later.  He'd planned it all out and even staged a few phone calls to put the police off the trail.  The police fall for it.  Except for one detective.  The killer spends much of his inheritance before he receives it, splashing out like there's no tomorrow.  He also allows the relatives, whom he does not see eye-to-eye with, keys to the crime scene.  This, after the police had offered the keys to him, which would have allowed him to easily dispose of any further incriminating evidence missed by the police.  The relatives come forward with the evidence instead, which had been mysteriously overlooked by the police themselves.  These same relatives stand to gain if he is convicted and imprisoned.  He even dropped hints to one or two people of his murderous intentions beforehand, including a hostile uncle.

Honestly, which of these two scenarios is the more plausible?

I know you are in the reasonable doubt camp Erik, but I am not I think JB is innocent.

Hopefully you don't think I am biased I have tried to look at all the evidence but the more I research the more convinced I am. To me it's a clear MOJ.